Tuesday, August 2, 2011

If Mama Ain't Happy...

I had this crazy notion that this was going to be the summer I was finally gonna get my stuff together. I was gonna lose twenty pounds, finally get organized and have my home and family running on a schedule that would put Martha Stewart to shame. Summer ends in two weeks and I have done NONE of that stuff! And people, I am in a Panic. I'm an emotional girl anyway, but right now I am one big hot mess! In every household that I know of, the mama is the center of the universe. Everything revolves around her. This is true in our house where my panic state is slowly spreading. One of Ben's favorite sayings is "water off a duck's back" which is generally how he deals with my meltdowns. But even he's getting a little case of the crankies. So, I gues its time to have a sit down with myself and tell me to put on my big girl panties!