Sunday, January 17, 2010

One Winter Night..

I admit it...I usually don't take my kids places. On the weekends the lure of computer games is just too much for them to resist. Removing them from the house results in much whining and misery, so I usually don't do it. But tonight we had a break in the cold weather and I insisted we go to the park. After the initial whining everyone had a great time. On the way home the dog yawned in my face and gave me a blast of nasty dog breath. The kids started discussing her habit of eating cat food and came up with the idea of starting their own dog food company. They discussed this idea earnestly; what kind of ingredients should be included (which led to an unpleasant conversation about animal by-products) and whether making canned foods would allow them to provide a fresh product. I was so impressed with their ideas. Now we're back home and they're both sitting on the couch reading while the smell of chicken soup wafts through the air. Mmmm. What a cozy winter night.